6 possible causes of pain under your shoulder blade

How many times have you felt pain creeping under your shoulder blade?

Working from almost any room and in various positions has led many people to experience upper back pain, especially pain under the shoulder blade.
While right shoulder pain and left shoulder pain may often be due to muscle strain in the upper back, there are several other causes that lead to back pain.
It is always good to know the cause of the pain. Here are some of these reasons

What causes pain under the shoulder?

1- Musculoskeletal causes:
Pain under the shoulder blade often arises from muscles, joints, ligaments, and tendons. The following are the causes of musculoskeletal pain:
– Muscle strain:
Muscle strain on the left side of the scapula and right shoulder blade pain can be caused by lifting heavy weights or overuse injuries from overdoing any activity outside of your routine.
Muscle fibers are overloaded and injured, causing severe pain and inflammation around and under the shoulder blade.
– Bad sitting posture:
Poor posture increases the load on the spine and places uneven pressure on the structures surrounding the spine.
Poor posture can put increased stress on the muscles of the upper back and cause pain in the shoulder blades.
– broke down:
Fractures can cause pain under the shoulder, pain in the right shoulder blade, and pain in the left shoulder blade.
The pain may also extend around the shoulder blade, making it painful to move the arm.
– Injury:
An accident or fall can cause injury to the scapula and the area around the shoulder.
An injury resulting from contact or impact sports can cause pain and inflammation around and under the shoulder. The degree of pain depends on the mechanism and extent of the injury.
2- Cardiac causes:
Although less common than chest pain, pain under the shoulder blade may arise from cardiac causes.
Possible causes of pain in this area may be a heart attack, myocardial infarction, aortic dissection, or pericarditis.
3- Pulmonary causes:
Pain under the scapula may arise from lung disease. Conditions such as pneumothorax or pulmonary embolism may also cause pain.
Lung cancers and Pancoast tumors may also contribute to pain under the shoulder blade.
4- Causes of the abdomen and pelvis:
Abdominal and pelvic pain under the shoulder blade may be caused by gastritis, acid reflux, gastrointestinal inflammation, ectopic pregnancy, or ovarian cysts.
5-Other reasons:
Another possible cause of shoulder blade pain is shingles, an infection that affects the area supplied by the affected nerve.
It causes burning or tingling pain with a preceding rash. Gallstones may also cause pain.
6- Malignant causes:
Lung, liver, esophageal, lymphoma, or bone cancer may also cause pain to spread to the area below the shoulder blade.

How to relieve shoulder pain?

– break:
Short breaks from positions that cause pain help reduce stress on the upper back muscles. Sometimes, taking a day off can relieve pain in the shoulder blades.
– Correct your sitting positions:
To relieve shoulder pain and allow the body’s muscles to work efficiently without causing any stress.
Small ergonomic changes in workplace and home areas go a long way in reducing postural stress.
– Support your back:
Using back braces that help you support yourself and keep you in the correct position will also help you relieve shoulder pain.
The back support aligns your spine and sends appropriate feedback to your brain to promote correct posture.
-Apply a hot or cold compress:
Using hot or cold compresses temporarily reduces pain or inflammation caused by pulled muscles in the upper back.
Use it for at least ten minutes two to three times a day.
– Stretching exercises:
You can perform basic upper back stretches to relieve shoulder muscle pain.
Performing basic stretching exercises can also help prevent muscle strain in the upper back.
– Find a treatment:
Shoulder pain requires a comprehensive evaluation, and seeking treatment is the best way to effectively relieve the pain.

How to prevent pain under the shoulder?

– Learn the correct positions for each task:
Whether you’re working from home or cooking in your kitchen, learn the best positions for each task.
Knowing which postures can relieve shoulder blade pain on your body will help you consciously work toward good postures.
– Take regular breaks:
Regular rest periods every few hours help relieve any stress that may have built up in the body’s structures, especially the postural muscles.
– Pay attention to your diet, and take nutritional supplements:
Following a balanced diet with the nutritional supplements your body needs will keep your body in its best health.
Muscle fatigue if you are not adequately hydrated or lack essential nutrients. Muscle and bone malnutrition makes them more susceptible to injury.
– Regular exercise:
Maintaining an active routine helps your body maintain your body’s strength and flexibility.
Regular exercise, whether yoga, Pilates, swimming or the gym, will contribute to a healthy lifestyle to keep you pain-free.

When should I see a doctor about shoulder pain?

A variety of injuries and diseases can cause discomfort and decreased function in the shoulder.
When you have pain in your shoulder blades that lasts more than a few weeks or doesn’t respond to home remedies, exercises, or hot/cold therapy, it’s time to see your doctor.


What causes pain in the shoulder blade?
Some possible causes of pain in the shoulder blades are:
1) Muscle strain: Overuse of the upper body and arm muscles can cause muscle strain.
2) Poor posture: Poor posture can lead to structural changes in the spine.
3) Bones and joints: Arthritis may cause pain in areas such as the chest, shoulder, and spine.

How to relieve pain in your shoulder blades?
Things you can do to relieve shoulder pain
1) Exercise can help relieve pain immediately.
2) Massage therapy
3) Heat and cold therapy
4) Take medical help

When should I see a doctor about shoulder pain?
You should seek medical help if:
1) In case of severe pain.
2) Obvious deformation.
3) The pain continues even after resting or exercising.

How long does it take for shoulder blade pain to go away?
This type of pain is likely to be temporary and goes away after proper rest.
It may take about 2 weeks to relieve the pain, but sometimes it takes about 6 months to fully recover.

Could pain in the left shoulder be related to the heart?
Left shoulder pain could indicate angina. Angina is a condition in which your heart does not get enough oxygen.